Monday, December 29, 2014

Developing My Project

For History Day this year, I encountered many difficulties as well as points of success throughout the process of putting together my project. I chose this theme, “The Wright Brothers With The Wrong Idea,” because I was always interested in the first flight, and to me it fit perfectly with this year’s theme. The Wrights’ exploration of flight, their encounters with other inventors, and global exchange of new knowledge influenced history and shaped the world we live in today. However, after discussing it with my dad, he told me about their patent battles and I began to realize that there could be another side to this supposedly glorious moment in history.

The first step was of course, to gather resources. I headed to the Corona Public Library, obtaining valuable book sources from there. I then went online to search for additional information. I came across the “How The Wright Brothers Blew It” website and was thrilled for that was exactly what my topic was on, and it proved to be a precious source for me. Afterwards I had to sift through loads of information and pick out what was most important, which was a bit difficult.

Following the task of putting together the information, I had to create a layout for my website. That was tough as well since I didn’t really know how I wanted my layout to look, and had to play with colors and images until I came up with something I liked.

Putting up the website was another hurdle altogether. I knew basic HTML but I had no idea where to start. My friend Jane Chen assisted me in setting it up, answering my questions and helping me understand how to do it myself. When it was finally up, all that was left to do was copy the information into the pages and add complementary images as well.

My most valuable source of information was Jack Carpenter, author of Waldo, Pioneer Aviator and Pendulum II. His website, [see Carpenter Collection], is packed full of photos and facts regarding early aviation. Mr. Carpenter personally provided encouragement for me and was quick to answer my questions. My father helped me understand much of the information as well, and my teacher provided great support along the way and told me exactly what I had to do to make my project better.

Before this project, I just thought of the Wrights as the two men who invented the airplane, and didn’t even think to go any deeper than that. However, now I know that there is an entire hidden story underneath what history leads us to believe. Everyone knows that the Wrights invented the first airplane, but many do not know that they slowed down the development of aviation with their constant battles with those who were moving ahead of them. Without the Wrights, aviation may have gone further in a shorter amount of time and technology may be even more advanced in this day and age.

Annoyed by the miracle of flight... this is totally hilarious

Next: Book & Web Sources

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